Can you believe that tomorrow is the first day of fall? When you think of fall, what comes to mind?
Cool weather. Pumpkins. Turning leaves. Sweaters, maybe. Definitely football.
On Friday, my husband's aunt took us and two of our friends to the Boise State University versus Air Force game. We are all BSU alumni, and our friends are season-ticket holders, but my husband and I haven't been to a game since we were students! And that was a loooong time ago.
We couldn't believe how much the university has changed in the years since we lived on campus. We've been to BSU for various reasons over the years, but driving through to the stadium, we saw that so much has changed. If I were a student there now, I would be so lost.
My husband's aunt has her own suite at the stadium, and the view of Boise was great! No wonder Boise, or "Les Bois," means "City of Trees."
The game was great! BSU won 30-19. Always so much more fun when YOUR team wins, isn't it? And the suite was wonderful. The whole front window opened so we felt like we were really part of the crowd, but when it got cold we could close it and stay warm. Definitely a treat. The view of the Blue Turf was unbeatable.
A Good Weekend
Saturday we went to see the new Downton Abbey movie. Have you seen it yet? We loved it. I love the music, the clothes, the drama, the cinematography... everything about it. I just wish the series didn't end. Do you get attached to characters in TV shows and books like I do? When they end, it's like saying goodbye to friends.
Today I have Whole30 Classic Chili ( <--- clickable link for the recipe) going in the slow cooker, and we've been watching football all day. I didn't used to like (or understand) football, but when I was pregnant with my son, my husband and I would cuddle in our big overstuffed living room chair and watch the games. Once I understood what a first down was (ha!), it started to click. Now I love it.
Do you have a favorite team? Believe it or not, I don't! When I was very young, I adored the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders and I wanted to be one, but I didn't know or care about football. Now that I watch it, I like the Seahawks (my mother-in-law's favorite team), and I enjoy watching Patrick Mahomes with the Chiefs. I used to not enjoy the New England Patriots (because they always won), but I decided that if I started cheering for them, maybe watching them would be more fun. I was right. Go Patriots! (Ahem... this does not mean I have a team yet.)
And the winner of the "Farm Fresh" chart is...

Congratulations to Catherine (diamondc), who won the giveaway for the "Farm Fresh" chart by Country Cottage Needleworks.
You can visit Catherine's blog, "I Love to Stitch," at
Until next time! Be well, and I hope you have lots of time to stitch.